
Showing posts from March, 2017

Maintaining Purity in Courtship (Part 1)

Marriage can be one of the sweetest experiences on earth. It can also be a bitter pill, depending on how you go about it. The Lord designed marriage from inception to be a thrilling experience filled with joyful events, new discoveries, and the euphoria of companionship. After designing and creating the blueprint for a happy home, the Bible says: God saw it and rated it as very good (Genesis 1:31). However, the natural man with his rules and ideologies corrupted it and this led to the “bitter pill” experience in marriage and family life. The Bible says: Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled (Hebrews 13:4). As believers in Christ Jesus, God has not left you alone to be confronted with the bitter experiences some have in marriage, through the defilement of the marriage bed in courtship. The Lord Jesus has provided in His Word, guidelines that will help you triumph in any area of your life, including courtship and marriage. If you will just follow them, you will...

Bible Sense For Getting Into Marriage: by David O. Oyedepo

To get at the best in anything, you need facts. I consider facts as the father of success. Every success in marriage is fathered by facts, not luck.  Quite a number of people have very peaceful and harmonious homes. Some are not even Christians, but they have unconsciously engaged the vital law of success in marriage the law of sense.  Many have put the blame for their troubled homes at the door of the devil. But I believe the devil is not to be blamed for some of the problems we find in homes today. Some of them are self-caused.  The Bible says by wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established (Prov. 24:3-4). Wisdom has a way of establishing peace and serenity in the home. But it places a responsibility on you.  Men with successful homes have accepted the responsibility of loving their wives, and the wives have also accepted the responsibility of submitting to their husbands. The Bible sense for getting into marriage or for enjoy...