Monday, June 29, 2015


"Commitment" is considered to be a very important and mature aspect of a man woman relationship. It is considered to be the culmination of a love relationship between two individuals which signifies that the people involved in the relationship love, sacrifice, understand and are ready to spend their whole life with each other. Commitment basically means a decision making procedure in a person's life where he/she chooses the person he/she loves most as a life partner. Commitment needs to be displayed by both the individuals to make any sense of the word. The benefits of a committed relationship are many as it gives your life stability, resilience and belief making it healthy and beautiful.

There are a few ways which can be tread to develop a strong and committed relationship. You can give a chance to these tips listed below and definitely can enjoy the blessings of life in the companionship of the person you love the most.

Be clear to yourself
t is very important to have a clear conscience. You need to be absolutely clear in your mind about the love of a person you are going to be committed with. Listen to your heart, if you are overjoyed at the name or thought of your lover or the idea of meeting him/her and a sense of loyalty emanates from within, then you are on the right track. It will be a wise decision to get committed to that person because your heart tells you that. For developing a strong relationship, honest is another aspect that has a significant contribution. Make sure you are not hiding many a things from your lover , that you think he/she does have a right to know about.

Spend Quality time with each other
Spending a good amount of time is an important thing before going into a serious relationship. Time lets you know the person, his/her likes and dislikes, nature and habits etc in details and provides you the opportunity to understand how much you relate to or are comfortable with the other person to go into a long term relationship. Spending time will also give you the opportunity to clear any wrong notions that you have formed in the mind about your partner, and may altogether lead to a different perspective towards him/her. There is a need to be absolutely original and you should not try to be someone different in front of him/her so that he/she is also able to judge and understand you.

A committed relationship is the one where both the partners are equal in many important aspects of life like decision making and freedom of actions. None of the two should consider him/her self higher or superior than other. With the sense of equality , comes a sense of comfort and settlement in a relationship as the individual feels empowered and in control. The couples where one is patronizing or commanding while the other is submissive and follows what the other says without arguments or suggestions is not likely to be a successfully committed relationship. The reason behind this is there is always a sense of dissatisfaction in one of the partners.

Respect and Share responsibilities
To have a happy long term relationship you should have respect towards your partner. The interaction should be such that you listen to your partner , respect it and clarify the understanding by asking her questions. At no point of time , should a person feel that he/she gets ridiculed or put down on every suggestion made or comment given. This is harmful for a successful relationship.

Sharing the responsibilities equally is also important for a health committed relation , may that be financial , household or children related wherever it applies.


Every relationship being very complex in nature and function obvious issues can occur at any point of a relationship. No one can exactly predict what may happen at what time in a relationship. There are several very common issues observed in relationships. The nature and intensity of the issues depend on the mode of relationship and dept of emotional attachment.

The initial stages of relationships are generally found to be stable and free of greater issues as the adjustment and tolerance are more. But as the time passes on and the formal ways are replaced with the casual attitudes the issues can come up. If not taken the right measures of problem solving, they can spoil the relationship and end in breakups.

Poor communication
Poor communication is one of the greatest causes for most of the bulging issues in any communication. There should be very strong and clear communication between the partners in a relationship. Many a time issues occur not because there is a specific cause, but because the communications get misunderstood. If the messages reach the wrong way to the partner, there can be obvious gaps between the people and a complete breakup in the future.
Do not presume that the partner will understand what you feel and what you want from him/her. Discuss all the aspects of the relationship and make each other well aware of the attitudes, likes, dislikes and expectations of both the partners in the relationship. Do not hesitate to communicate with the partner being afraid of the reaction of the persona or thinking that he/she may think against your point.

Sexual relationship
Sexual activities are aspects where the partners may have very many personal ambitions and when something goes wrong they may feel incompatible with the other one. The way one person wants to maintain the sexual life may not be the same the partner needs it. Again, the right communication is the solution and adjusting without hampering the self honor and dignity. Do not sacrifice all your desires just for the happiness of the partner as it may in future become a cause for discomfort and a possible breakup.

Financial management
People in a relationship may have to cooperate in financial management and many times mutual sharing and expenditures may occur in relationships. "My money is mine and your money is also mine" attitude may, certainly, damage the trust and honor of relationships.
When you get into a relationship, be ready to spend for common needs and share the income for common or personal needs of the partner. Do not keep your income and expenditure a secret with the partner. Similarly make the partner aware of your financial obligations too. Knowing the financial status of each partner may help them share mutually and manage the income in the best ways.

Frequent conflicts
Conflicts are inevitable part in life, how happy and compatible the partners may be. Relationship between two people is just like joining two odd objects. No partners are perfectly alike or absolutely matching. Occasional conflicts are quite natural but getting into frequent quarrels and arguments may spoil the relationship. Avoid all the unnecessary conflicts and never make argument a habit.

Many relationships end in breakups because of the avoidable issues between the partners. Never take an argument in a relationship as issue of honor; rather if the partner doesn't leave the topic, you withdraw deliberately. Be wise to choose how to react and when to react. Understanding the partner perfectly will help a person to decide how to react in conflicts.

Trust is everything
It is truly said that it is the trust that give thrust to the relationships. Two people get into relationship because they feel each other lovable and trustworthy. The partners need to be careful not to break trust if they really need to cherish a long term relationship. Lying to the partner, concealing certain facts from him/her etc., are detrimental actions in any relationship.

Be open and frank to the partner and create a free atmosphere between them so that there won't be a need of telling lies. Being constant, being ion time, adhering to promises being fair in arguments, being good listener etc., are advisable modes of maintaining the trust between the partners in a relationship.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Unbeatable Saxophonist (MIKE AREMU)



Music promotion is all about drawing attention to yourself. Becoming well-known, by itself, is often one of the quickest routes to success in music or any other form of entertainment.
One way or the other, you need plenty of exposure to make it in the music business. The good news is, we have more resources for self-exposure today than ever before.

Music Promotion Always Means Drawing Attention To Your Music
1 – Do more live shows.
In terms of exposure, there are still very few ways of building a fan base or getting noticed by people in the industry. Social media is nice and all, but nothing compares to connecting with your audience directly from the stage.  
Acts with significant live experience are also more attractive to producers. In most cases, a “purely studio” musician will have a much harder time getting signed.

2 – Keep sending out demos.
You should consistently be reaching out to people in the industry as you uncover them, whether they’re promoters or simply bloggers in your genre. Be sure to include full contact information (seriously, this gets forgotten) and some sort of summary of your band\act\music that gives them a reason to listen.
Just remember that there’s a fine line between persistent and annoying, and you don’t want to cross it.

3 – Involve your fans.
The best social media exposure is the kind that comes from fans who want to spread the love.  Keep them involved, both in terms of communication, but also in terms of activities.  Contests, picture or video submissions, remix challenges…  The more you involve your fans directly, the more likely they’ll recommend you to others.

4 – Get on streaming radio.

Online streaming radio continues to grow and there’s little sign of this stopping.  Accordingly, it’s also becoming the source of music discovery for more and more everyday listeners.  Getting your music onto streaming services can be great music promotion.


Multiple award winner and gospel minister Onos has had a successful ride this year so far. Having been on the news, with music releases and award nominations all in the first quarter. She teams up with Joel Wilson once again to release a new single “Oghene Me”. Its a wonderful Worship ballad that will inspire and uplift your spirit in worship. You have to listen and be sure to place a comment below on what you feel about this song.









( THE HAVILAH SHOW ).....It's another level and the train is moving very fast.
After weeks of preparations and packaging the best for you, you can now join me on " THE HAVILAH SHOW" every Friday at 6pm (GMT+1) on your favorite online radio WiGRadio.

It's going to be an awesome time of interview and a great time to give hope to the hopeless and voice to the voiceless with feature like Meet  My Guest ( Back 2 Back ) .... (I am sure you won't want to miss this one), Health Talk, Everyday issues, Events and Places and lots more as we inform, educate and entertain you on THE HAVILAH SHOW every Friday at 6pm.

You know what? You can also call into the program on +2348164445960 and you may just be one of our lucky winners in the weekly program. Let me not talk too much, I would say the rest on air. Looking forward to have you join me this Friday.

You can listen to WiGRadio from any part of planet earth via or download the mobile app for Android, Blackberry and Apple devices. You can beep or ping me for more details and to be part of this moving train.

Stay connected !!!.


( THE HAVILAH SHOW ).....It's another level and the train is moving very fast.
After weeks of preparations and packaging the best for you, you can now join me on " THE HAVILAH SHOW" every Friday at 6pm (GMT+1) on your favorite online radio WiGRadio.

It's going to be an awesome time of interview and a great time to give hope to the hopeless and voice to the voiceless with feature like Meet  My Guest ( Back 2 Back ) .... (I am sure you won't want to miss this one), Health Talk, Everyday issues, Events and Places and lots more as we inform, educate and entertain you on THE HAVILAH SHOW every Friday at 6pm.

You know what? You can also call into the program on +2348164445960 and you may just be one of our lucky winners in the weekly program. Let me not talk too much, I would say the rest on air. Looking forward to have you join me this Friday.

You can listen to WiGRadio from any part of planet earth via or download the mobile app for Android, Blackberry and Apple devices. You can beep or ping me for more details and to be part of this moving train.

Stay connected !!!.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"The Master Tool"

motivation affirmations - introduction
Are you your own worst enemy? Could it be that you are destroying your dreams with your very own words? What you say everyday is extremely important in determining the results you get in your life.

You have probably asked an innocent question such as “how are you?” and ended up regretting it because the person you asked took it as an opportunity to give you a detailed description of all their problems.

motivation affirmations - negative talk
There are people that are always complaining whenever you talk to them about what is going wrong in their lives. They are ever narrating how they are disliked by this or that person, how their job is a drag and their spouse a leech or burden, or how tough they are finding life generally.
Then there are those that take pride in advertising their sicknesses. They will proudly tell you every detail of their ailment in the hope of getting sympathy or appearing humble.

Most of all, never ever tell such people that you don’t have any problems or that you’re rich or healthy or successful. If someone so much as accuses you of having it all, deny it and say you are “just managing” or some “humble” thing like that. How dare you say your life’s good!

motivation affirmations - bad conditioning
We have been trained, over time, to respond in such ways and to look at enjoying life and being prosperous as something to be shunned. Our scripting seems to tell us that humility is the same thing as suffering.

Yet, oddly enough, we are all striving in one way or another to be prosperous. We go to work and have businesses so we can make money. We want health, but we speak sickness. We want wealth, but we speak poverty and lack. We want happiness, but we speak misery.

Why are our words so inconsistent with our actions? Worse still, why are we sabotaging our dreams with our very own words?

I am sure you are guilty of talking carelessly yourself. I am. That was until I learnt a very simple, but powerful lesson.

motivation affirmations - words shape your life
Your life is shaped by what you say. The Proverbs say: “A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

You tongue is your master tool. As an artist uses a brush to paint a work of art, so you use your tongue to paint the masterpiece or the nightmare that is your life. Every word you say is another stroke on the canvas of your life.

There is a power in what you say that goes way beyond the obvious and beyond what science can explain. It is not surprising when you realize that words brought the whole universe into existence: “and God said…”

motivation affirmations - your words can create
So God has given each one of us that same creative power in our tongues and mouths. What you say determines where you end up more than what you do. If your actions and words are not consistent you will ultimately get what you say.

Elsewhere in the Bible, the tongue is compared to the helm of a ship. Though the helm is a small part of the ship, it has the power to direct the course of the whole ship. Your tongue is a small part of your body, but it has the power to direct your whole destiny.

This is partly because a word is simply a revealed thought. Therefore what you say is an indication of what you think. Conversely, your speech has the ability to influence your thinking. If you say something repeatedly you will ultimately come to believe it and regard it as reality. Your words and thoughts reinforce each other.

motivation affirmations - positive affirmations
This fact has led to techniques such as “positive affirmation” and “positive self talk” being developed. Many great men of our time, such as Zig Ziglar, teach such techniques and use them themselves. Ziglar has even developed a tool he calls the “Self Talk Card.”

Positive affirmations, for example, are simply things that you say to yourself that are positive. They are deliberate and thought out words that are in harmony with your dreams and that will help you to achieve your dreams.

Mark Allen puts it this way: “Affirmations are one of the simplest and most powerful things we can do to change the quality of our lives, and to create the things we want.”
All these fancy terms and jargon simply point to the fact that we are more in control of our lives than we ever thought possible. But with such great power comes great responsibility. That is what scares most of us.

motivation affirmations - don't be a victim
We would rather be victims and complainers. It is harder to acknowledge our power and cease to be careless with our words and our thoughts. Few people have the discipline and courage for such change.

But I know that, as a dreamer, you have the courage, capacity and will to change.The truth is you do not have a choice. If you want to achieve your dreams you will have to watch both your thoughts and your words. It is a process. It comes with practice, patience and persistence.
I know there are probably some of you out there that don’t agree with this, but there are principles at work that affect you whether you recognize them or not.

What you believe does not change the truth. The principle of gravity works whether you believe in it or not. The law of getting what you speak works – whether you believe in it or not.

motivation affirmations - conclusion
I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather play it safe and say the right things even if I don’t believe it works. It is likely, actually, that after a while of doing so you will find that it does work!
Watch what you say from now on. Listen to what comes out of your mouth. Rule of thumb: If you do not want it, don’t say it. Pearl Strachan said: “Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.”

You are all you can be…go on and be it!

Motivation Myth "The Sky Has Never Been The Limit"

Motivation myth- introduction
What exactly are you capable of achieving? What is a realistic expectation for your life and what constitutes sheer madness? Is there a limit to how high you should aim?
The simple answer to these questions is simply that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to; if you can think it, then it’s a realistic expectation; and you can aim as high as you want.

Motivation myth- the sky has never been the limit
We have probably all heard the “wise” saying: “the sky is the limit.” This would seem to have a lot of wisdom in it at first glance. However, it implies that man’s potential has a limit when in actual fact, man’s potential is limitless. Let’s examine what exactly your potential as a human being is.

Firstly, let’s define potential. Potential is all that you can be, but have not yet become. It is all you can accomplish, but have not yet accomplished. It is unexposed or dormant ability.
This means that the ability to become and to do is already there. It just hasn’t been brought out and utilized.

Consider a fertilized human egg (zygote). That single cell has the ability to form every part of the human body. Everything from your brain to your toenails can be formed by that single cell. It has unlimited potential.

Motivation myth- your potential is limitless
Similarly, the mind of man has unlimited potential. It has the limitless ability to create. Man has been on earth for thousands of years, yet we are still making new discoveries today and creating new things everyday. We cannot exhaust the creative power of our minds.

The functioning of our minds remains, for the most part, a mystery even to modern day science. But even though we do not understand it’s functioning, we cannot deny its power.

Motivation myth- you have the power within
Your most powerful asset is your mind. The answer to the question ‘what is a realistic goal and what is achievable’ is entirely up to you. If your mind can accept that something is achievable, it will find a way to attain that thing.

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” These are the immortal words of Napoleon Hill, a man who truly understood that “there are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.”

Your possibilities are limited only by your thinking. What may be a limit for one person is a walk in the park for another. It’s all in the mindset.

Your potential as a human being, then, is unlimited. You have within you the ability to become and to achieve anything you want. Now that you understand that your potential is limitless, your next challenge is to answer the question: what do you want out of life?

Motivation myth- think of the possibilities
Before you start scratching your head and making excuses, let me help you a little. If money, education, social status and so on, were no hindrance what would you want out of life? If all the knowledge and wealth in the world were at your disposal what would you want to be and to do?

Even with all the resources at your disposal, it is very likely that you would still struggle to come up with 3 goals that you are absolutely passionate about and to which you would dedicate every waking hour. Therein lies the problem – it is not your possibilities that are limited, it is your thinking!

Your vision is limited only by you. The problem is that you don’t know what you should be. It’s not your fault, really: your education has messed you up. It has taken your boundless potential and shrunk it and shaped it into a narrow title. You are a “nurse”, or “accountant” or “driver”.

It doesn’t matter what title has been placed on you, you need to break free from it. You are not what you do. See yourself as the truly capable human being that you are.

Motivation myth- cultivate the right mindset
This requires that you look deep within and examine your mindset. Are there things you have accepted simply because everyone else seems to accept them? Have you accepted society’s standards as your own?

A word of caution: society celebrates mediocrity. Ordinary people do not like it when others get ahead. It only exposes their lack of vision and motivation. That is why mediocrity is often embraced and excellence is shunned. Being ordinary is acceptable.
If you want more, there is something wrong with you.If something is widely accepted and everyone is doing it, it is probably better for you as a dreamer not to do it. If you want to get what everyone else is getting, do what everyone else is doing.

It is not difficult to see the results others are getting from what they are doing. The good news is you don’t have to do what they are doing. Find your own way. Utilise the potential within you.

Dig out your potential like a prospector digs for oil. The oil has always been there just waiting to be tapped. But if no one bothered to search for it and bring it to the surface it would just remain there dormant, wasting and useless.

So it is with your potential. If you do not challenge yourself to grow beyond your present circumstances, it will just waste away and be totally useless not only to you, but to the rest of humanity.

Motivation myth- conclusion
Do not rob this country of such a great resource as yourself. Utilise your potential. Be all that you can be so that when you die, you will have utilized every single drop of your being.

Marianne Williamson said – “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

You are all you can be. Go on and be it.

