Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Gen 1:27-28, Ephesians 5: 21- 33
It is very important you don’t miss it when it comes to picking who to marry. If you marry wrongly, you can’t enjoy your life to the fullest.

Anything we call Christian is of Christ. So a Christian marriage starts with Christ. The basic foundation for a Christian marriage is for both the man and woman involved to be saved and redeemed! 

In a Christian marriage, there is no room for divorce or exchange of spouse, as a result one needs a firm foundation in Jesus to be able to withstand some pressures that may arise.
There is time for everything, when it is time for you to settle down, the Holy spirit Himself will minister to you. When have the urge to getting married, don’t just rush into it, wait upon the Lord for directions (Isaiah 40:31).  Don’t go after your desires and lust, in waiting, ask, seek and knock. Ask God to show you his will your life.

God’s will for your life could be revealed to you through dreams, visions, word of knowledge, word of God, deep convictions in the spirit. 

Ladies,  it is prohibited for you to go tell a man ‘You’re my husband’. Ladies never proposed to men in the Bible and anything outside the Bible isn’t the standard. It is all modern doctrine for a woman to go after the man, wait on God and He’ll bring the right person.
After waiting on God and He has shown you the revelation, don’t go to the person straight, go tell your pastor. That is RCCG doctrine! Tell your pastor so they can pray along and do some investigation about the person.
Also tell your parents about it! They also will pray and carry out any necessary background checks. In the midst of counsellors, you won’t go wrong! 
When your pastor and parents have confirmed it, the man and woman then need to come into agreement. You start courtship.

In courtship, you don’t meet up in secret places, be transparent! Protect yourself from evil, don’t give room to the devil. There have been many sad stories of Christian singles getting pregnant before marriage. Have your meetings in an open place, e.g. your pastor’s house.

Get to know each other during courtship. If you enter into marriage with deceit, you’ll reap it later! Show your true colours to your partner!
If in courtship, you realize the marriage won’t work, it is better to call it off, get out of it before it is too late!  A broken courtship is much better than a broken marriage.

During courtship, you need to go for counselling. All RCCG churches do marriage counselling, don’t try to avoid it, it will help you and the experiences of older couples will come in handy after the wedding.

After courtship and counselling have been successful, proceed to the altar! 
The material benefits you get before marriage doesn’t determine how good the marriage will eventually be. The secret to many successful Christian marriage is contentment! 

Don’t take a loan for marriage! Cut your coat according to your size!

Prepare your mind! You don’t know who you dated in courtship well enough until you start living together! 6years after the marriage you will still be discovering new things about the person. 

Prayer is important even after the wedding as practical living is different from all the pre-martial/ honeymoon excitement!

After the wedding, women are to submit to their husbands! Even if you are older, still submit. Even when you don’t agree, submit first, be nice and put your suggestions forward in a nice and peaceful way!

As a woman, accept the leadership of your husband and respect him. If he can only afford ‘N20, 000 take it and use it wisely. You have to be able to manage resources very well! 

In a marriage, there will be a time of plenty and time of scarcity! Endure, be patient with each other and manage what you have together.
The husband is the leader and priest of the family. Show your wife love, use no abusive languages on her, respect her, tolerate her and love her as Christ loves the church.

To experience an unstoppable Christian marriage, don’t allow a third party get involved in your marriage. 

To experience an unstoppable Christian marriage, show each other what you expect in return. If you want peace in your marriage pursue peace, If you want laughter, laugh! Don’t frown at your spouse! If you want care in your marriage, care for your wife and she’ll shower you with care! If you give your wife 20% love, she’ll give you 120% love in return!

Apart from giving birth to children together, you are pray together, eat together, sleep together, suffer together, endure together, enjoy abundance together, train your children together, take care of your household together, and take care of your parents and siblings together. Mark 3:25

A good Christian home will bring you unstoppable joy, peace, good children, abundance and an open heaven!

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