Saturday, October 8, 2016

RIDING ON THE WINGS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Psalm 45:1-7, 48:10, Job 1:1-3, 46:8

God wants us as individuals and as a Church to walk on the wings of righteousness.

God is righteous thus He wants us as believers to live righteous lives. Nowadays, it is very glaring that many Christians are not living right with God. They live a life of hypocrisy by living right in the Church and display negative ways of life in the circular world. Therefore, God is calling us unto order to embrace a righteous life.

As we are aspiring to be a great Church of our time, we must demonstrate true righteousness of God and through us it must spread to the world. Likewise, if you want to be great as a person, you must ride on the wings of righteousness.

The book of Proverbs recorded that “Righteousness exalted a nation:  but sin is a reproach to the people” before an individual or a nation can be exalted; such individuals or nations must first possess the act of righteous living.

The secret behind the man Job as recorded in Job1:1-3 is not marathon prayer or fasting; it is righteousness. “And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters. His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east” This man lived righteously and throughout the chapter, God was pronouncing goodness upon him. A righteous man lives a fulfilled life, a life where nothing is missing. God will always journey before a righteous man to make his way prosperous. A righteous man will know no sorrow because he his anointed with the oil of gladness above his equals. 

What is righteousness?
-          Righteousness is the act of being lawful, honest and being right.
-          Righteousness is God’s standard of ethics and morality.
-          Righteousness is the nature of God. It can also be said to be the DNA of God, the nature of a thing is the very life of a thing, in order words righteousness as the nature of God speaks of the very life of God.
-          Righteousness is a state of right standing with God in Christ without a sense of guilty or inferiority. There is therefore no condemnation {Rom. 8:1}. The strength this awareness produces within you will decide how effective you will walk in the grace of God, you will experience great victories and sin will not have dominion over you. Jesus paid the debt for your sin on the cross, so that you and I can stand before Him without any sense of guilt or offense. It enables you to come boldly before the throne of grace.
-          Righteousness is a divine gift. It is a free gift from God. We have done nothing to qualify for it. Many believe righteousness must be earned and anything worth having must be worked for, but on the gift of righteousness it’s a different case. It is a free gift, valuable and precious “receive abundance of grace and of the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS shall reign in life”.  A gift cannot be earned it can be received. Salvation is a free gift and its benefits, righteousness is also received freely, the moment you can confess Jesus as your Savior you have received the divine free gift of righteousness and it is imputed into you.  For us as a church to enjoy God’s blessing we must get it sited in our hearts and spirit that God’s blessing follows after righteousness. Matt. 6:33

Blessing of righteousness
-          It guarantee divine presence, Psalm 24:3-5. Your ability to stand in His presence and enjoy the blessings in His presence is determined by righteousness, when your right standing with God is received His presence will be in view. Through the righteousness of God you have access into His presence.
-          It is an armour, 1 Cor. 6:7
-          It brings peace and quietness, Isa. 32:17
-          It guarantees prosperity, Ps. 1:1-3
-          You become a blessing, Pro. 10:20-21
-          It promotes and exalts, Pro. 14:34

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