Monday, January 16, 2017

100 Ways to Say I LOVE YOU:

1. Whispering sweet nothings into her ear.
2. Massaging her tired feet.
3. Painting her portrait.
4. Gently caressing her cheek.
5. Playing her a song.
6. Composing her a song.
7. Making her a poem.
8. Holding her hand.
9. Kissing her forehead.
10. Offering your hand when she gets off the car.
11. Saying, “You’re wonderful, do you know that?”
12. Saying, “I missed you, please stay by my side.”
13. Washing the dishes.
14. Cooking for dinner.
15. Taking care of the kids so she could go out with her friends.
16. Buying her a book she’ll love.
17. Taking her out to eat at her favorite place.
18. Massaging her hand.
19. Lending your shoulder when she feels sleepy.
20. Carrying her when she’s too tired to walk.
21. Saying, “You’ve made me into a different person.”
22. Saying, “Thanks for believing in me.”
23. Praising a meal she cooked.
24. Not making her worry.
25. Never making her wait.
26. Not complaining when she makes you wait sometimes.
27. Being honest.
28. Being responsible.
29. Treating her friends well.
30. Treating her family as your very own.
31. Buying her non-fat ice cream.
32. Buying her movie tickets for the latest romantic film.
33. Listening to her woes without trying to be Mr. Know-It-All.
34. Not holding the tv remote all the time.
35. Taking care of her when she’s sick.
36. Saying, “You’re one of a kind.”
37. Accompanying her when she likes to go shopping.
38. Helping her clean the house.
39. Making a mix-cd of her favorite songs.
40. Giving her the dog she’s always wanted to have.
41. Stargazing with her at the backyard.
42. Travelling somewhere you’ve never been.
43. Saying, “You smell wonderful!”
44. Asking, “What did I do to deserve this happiness?”
45. Framing her favorite photo.
46. Making her laugh.
47. Brewing her favorite cup of coffee.
48. Just being there when she feels sad or moody.
49. Being dependable, being trustworthy.
50. Being her own bestfriend and more!
51. Saying, “Hey, thanks for being here.”
52. Taking his hand in trust when he offers it.
53. Smiling, being happy in his company.
54. Buying him a toycar he’s collecting.
55. Not minding when he’s late.
56. Not barging in when he feels like being alone.
57. Receiving delightfully his embrace.
58. Rejoicing over his gifts!
59. Not blaming him when things go wrong.
60. Preparing him breakfast.
61. Eating the breakfast he cooked.
62. Watching the sports channel with him.
63. Cheering him at his tennis match.
64. Resting your head upon his shoulder.
65. Letting him carry you and literally sweep you off your feet!
66. Saying, “It’s okay now that you’re here.”
67. Massaging his aching head when he’s had a bad day.
68. Being appreciative.
69. Getting to know his friends.
70. Loving his family.
71. Kissing his cheek when he least expects it.
72. Letting him take care of you when you’re not well.
73. Saying, “You can do it!”
74. Saying, “I’ve always believed you could!”
75. Keeping your cool when he couldn’t find his way.
76. Keeping your silence when so many things are rushing in his head.
77. Giving him your trust.
78. Giving him your faith.
79. Being the same woman he feel in love with.
80. Being the same friend who supported him all along.
81. Believing in his strength when he couldn’t.
82. Seeing his gifts and talents when all he could see are his flaws.
83. Kissing him some more.
84. Laughing at his jokes.
85. Not laughing at his blunders.
86. Buying him a new shirt.
87. Buying him a new tie.
88. Researching and cooking his favorite recipe.
89. Surprising him with a new gadget!
90. Surprising him with a new book.
91. Singing to him a song you composed.
92. Dancing with him even if he says he doesn’t know how to dance.
93. Exploring a new place with him.
94. Playing a sport you didn’t know.
95. Being as beautiful as you are.
96. Being the angel he adores.
97. Being open.
98. Being pure and true.
99. Staying beside him no matter what.
100. Telling him you’ve always loved him and you always will – NO MATTER WHAT!

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