Sunday, February 8, 2015




FOCUS VERSE: Psalm 2: 4: He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

BIBLE READING:  Psalm 2: 1-12

The first time I ever heard that God laughs, I felt the person who said it was just trying to be funny. I tried to imagine how possible it was for such a great God to laugh. I used to think before now that laughter was for unserious people or that laughter only came when someone cracked a joke. I never for once attributed laughter to the Almighty God until I read this passage. Reading this passage did not only reveal to me that God could laugh but it also made me discover that God wants His children to laugh. There is no place in the scripture where it was written that God cried but thank God it is written that He laughs. If my father laughs, it means that I am free to laugh also.

Some people have not had a reason or cause to laugh for a long time but I strongly believe that as from now on, you will always have a reason to laugh in Jesus name. The passage we read today tells us that God will laugh in response to something. The first few verses tells us that some people have gathered themselves together against God and His anointed which I believe is you and I and they have decided to destroy us but the Bible says in response to what they have done, God had decided to laugh at them. Is it not interesting that instead of God being bothered about what these people are planning, He is simply laughing at them. This is the kind of response God wants us to give to those who are planning evil against us.

As a child of God, it is important for you to know that you are not supposed to worry about people’s counsel and plans against you. As long as you are a child of God, there is no counsel against you that can stand. When someone threatens you with evil, instead of you being bothered or crying about it, God wants you to simply laugh it off. Let them go to any herbalist or any river for your sake, they are wasting their time because God has not left you. One of my best scriptures is what David said in Psalm 23. He said even if he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he would not be afraid because God is with Him. This is why you should laugh at anyone who tries to do evil to you. It is just a waste of time. Do you think God would just sit down and watch anyone hurt you or succeed in doing evil against you? I want to encourage you to start laughing from today. Exchange all those worries and weeping for laughter. When you start acting the way God wants you to, you can be sure that things will start changing. When you cry or become depressed of the devils threat over your life, you are giving strength to the devil and embarrassing the Almighty God. I want to tell you that it is time to laugh.

Laugh at the devil. Laugh at those challenges. Laugh at the wiles and strategies of the devil against your life. Laugh at those trials. Get ready; you will forever have reasons to laugh always in Jesus name.

ACTION POINT: What is that issue that has been giving you sleepless nights or that has been making you cry, start laughing over them from now. Ask God for the grace to overlook what the devil might be trying to do and keep thanking God for His great plans over your life.


1.       I am a child of God and therefore I have every reason to rejoice in Jesus name

2.       The name of the Lord is a strong tower. I live in it and therefore I am safe

3.       Laughter has filled my mouth. I cannot experience sorrow anymore because I am given to laughter in Jesus name

Author: Pastor Sam Oluwatoye

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