Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Purpose and Vision (Moses).

Exodus 3:7-10, "Then the LORD told him, "I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey-the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live. Look! The cry of the people of Israel has reached me, and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them. Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt."

Most of us are familiar with the famous ‘burning bush’ encounter with God. Our focus text details what the Lord said during this encounter. Notice that the Lord said He had heard the cries of His people and He was ready to do something about it. The Lord said he was going to do two things: 1) "rescue them from the power of the Egyptians" and 2) "lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land." So, in no unclear terms, the Lord said He was going to get the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan. What followed next was Moses’ assignment (his purpose). The Lord said, "Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt." Once again, the Lord said He was going to do two things (lead them out and lead them into), but the assignment He gave Moses was only the first one; leading the nation of Israel out of Egypt. If the Lord wanted Moses to lead the Israelites into Canaan, then it seems logical that the Lord would have told him so now. However, after explaining to Moses that He was going to do both things, the Lord only assigned one of them to Moses.

If we fast-forward to Numbers chapter 20 we learn of an incident where Moses disobeyed God and it resulted in the Lord saying, "Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!" (v.12). Now, here’s my point. The Lord may have used the incident in Numbers 20 as the reason why Moses was not allowed to lead the people into Canaan, but the Lord did not have to wait until Numbers 20 to find out what Moses was going to do. The Lord knows the end from the beginning. So the Lord, based upon His foreknowledge of Moses’ actions, gave Moses his marching orders way back in Exodus 3. And since the Lord knew Moses was not going to lead the people into Canaan, He setup divine purpose in another person, Joshua, to do just that. Moses could have cried out to God and asked the Lord to allow him to lead the people in, but the bottom-line is that it was not part of his assignment. Since it was not part of his assignment, then no prayer, fasting, crying, tears, etc. could force God to do something He did not purpose Moses to do. This is why it is so important for you to know your purpose.

So what does this mean to you today? I will give it to you in the words of Dr. Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe said, "If you pursue the wrong assignment, you’re going to need things you can’t get, because the provision isn’t there unless the vision is yours. It’s someone else’s assignment, and he has his own warehouse. Sometimes, people make demands on God that He can’t supply because He can’t give us what doesn’t belong to us. Again, knowing God’s will for your life is the key to your prosperity."
Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for blessing me to understand my assignment in life. I want to clearly know my purpose and I believe that You will enable me to know it, without a shadow of a doubt. I know that I can’t force You to do anything You don’t want to do. I can’t fast, pray, or cry my way into something that You have not ordained for me to have. Therefore, I understand that my prosperity in life – physical, social, mental, relational, and financial – is tied to my purpose. You will freely give me everything I need to accomplish my purpose in life. My goal then is to find it, follow it, and finish it before I die. Life is much easier when I am flowing in my purpose and I am praying for things that You want me to have. That’s the way I want to live and I declare by faith that it is the way I shall live from now on. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

By Pastor Joshua Bandele



*His first encounter with God after hearing his voice, was when the angel of the Lord told him to enter his house the voice called to him again telling him to fast for six days and pray 120 times which he faithfully did as he slept that night, an angel entered into his room like lightning and began to talk to him. Then the angel told him to put off the light inside the room which he immediately did. Thereafter a brighter light completely different from any other lighted the whole room. The angel told him not to taste any manner of food for six days that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to send him some important works to various towns. The angel told him that he was the one who had been talking to him on the road when he was driving and that he would have died if he had refused to hearken to his instructions. That is how he received the call and he went into series of fasting and prayer, all the while he was in Ipetu-Ijesha in Oriade local government area of Osun State .During this period of fasting and prayers , he received lots of revelations which formed the basis of the way he operated in his ministry.

* He later joined the Faith Tabernacle Church in November 1929 where he was baptized in Lagos lagoon in December the same year.

*Following the voice of the Lord that Apostle Babalola heard in 1928, his first miracle was when the revival of his mission began with the raising of a dead child in September 1930. What followed this in three weeks was the healing of about 100 lepers, 60 blind people and 50 lame persons. This also resulted in the desolation of Churches in Ilesa because their members transferred their allegiance to the revivalist and that all the patients in Wesley Hospital, Ilesa, abandoned their beds to seek healing from Babalola. This divinely kicked off The Great Revival of 1930, which saw people coming from most parts of Africa and diaspora without posters and TV adverts.

*Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola ministries were given Bell (Agogo), Omi (water), Staff and his Bible. According to him the use of Bell (Agogo) is said to be used to call Angels of God down during a prayer gathering. While the water is said to be used for healing of all illness and disease and it opening the womb of any barren women. He had toured Yoruba land and eastern Nigeria, preaching about repentance, and renunciation of idolatry, the importance of prayer and fasting, and the power of God to heal sickness. And although his tour he have with him, his bell and Yoruba Bible in hand. During this period he also visited many towns and villages based on the Lords guidance where he preached the message of healing and deliverance to the people. He was specifically instructed by God to heal the sick through water which he prayed into. However for a period of six months he still maintained a strict regime of prayer and fasting.

* In 1930 Faith Tabernacle affiliated with the British Apostolic Church. Then following a schism in the Apostolic Church about 1940, Babalola went with a new independent church, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), where he continued his healing and revivalist activities until his death. The CAC regards Babalola as an apostle and his revival ministry as the beginning of the church. A CAC retreat center was built at Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun State where Babalola was first called in 1928.

*The watershed in his early ministry came when he was commanded by God to go to his hometown to warn his people against Idolatry, fetish practices and evil works. According to him The Spirit told me to go to my hometown, where I was born. The Lord said I should rub my face with ashes and to carry palm leaves in my hand and to buy a bell, which I was to be ringing the moment I entered the town and I obeyed. The voice told me to tell my people that unless they repented, evil beasts would enter the town to destroy them. On that same day I entered the town with a bell in my hand. The entire town was moved and there was great stir and consternation as people fled as they saw him. The moment they set eyes on me they fled. The Voice told me to ring the bell in my hand round the town and I obeyed. His people however refused to repent or change their ways they instead summarily beat him up and his family was subjected to heavy persecution by the people of the town. In defense against the prophesied invasion of the town by wild beasts the people of the town armed themselves with Guns and Cutlasses. However God told His Servant to tell them he would not bring beasts again but instead would bring epidemics and it would start within forty- five days. At the expiration of the prophesied forty-five days and epidemic of small pox broke out and within 3 weeks about 300 persons had died. But those who repented and those who came to the man of god after contracting the disease were spared.

*Another fact about him is that, Apostle Babalola will prayer for days unstop. According to some of his disciple that said, on several occasion as the God Apostle prayer to God on broken glass. He also sometime stand for 7 days praying to God unstop. Another interesting scenario of his prayer style is that Babalola’s shortest and brief prayer was that of 3 to 4 hours. It was remarked by Elder Abraham Owoyemi of Odo-Owa that the prophet regularly saw angels who delivered divine messages to him. An angel appeared in one of his prayers and forbade him to wear caps.

*In 1930 Faith Tabernacle affiliated with the British Apostolic Church. Then following a schism in the Apostolic Church about 1940, Babalola went with a new independent church, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), where he continued his healing and revivalist activities until his death. The CAC regards Babalola as an apostle and his revival ministry as the beginning of the church. A CAC retreat center was built at Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun State where Babalola was first called in 1928.

*Another noticeable feature of his work was the usage of water for healing which prompt the popular C.A.C song then: “Babalola Olomi Iye re o. Omi Iye, Iye, Iye, re o. Omi Iye…”

* He became a prophet and a man with extraordinary powers. Enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit he could spend several weeks in prayer. Ayo Babalola was sent out of the Anglican Church of his village by his Bishop because most members of the Church see visions; speak in tongues and pray vigorously.

* Babalola was a spiritually gifted individual who was genuinely dissatisfied with the increasing materialistic and sinful existence into which he believed, the Yoruba in particular and Nigeria in general were being plunged as western civilization influence on society grew.

* The C.A.C believes that the spiritiual power bestowed on Babalola placed him on an equal level with Biblical apostles like Peter, Paul and others who were sent out with the authority and in the name of Jesus. Joseph Ayo Babalola slept in the Lord in 1959.

* He predicted the changes that will occur in C.A.C ( Chirst Apostolic Church) doctrines after his death in 1959.

* He was one of the first and few prophet of God that have the grace to know when they will die, as he predicated his death in 1957 for his disciple at ikere Ekiti during his 3 days fasting and prayer with them.

*Another fact was that, before he even took the ministry, there was prophecy that he was going to work for God for just 30 years before he will be call upon by God. He took the full ministry after his baptizing in 1929 at the age of 25 ages and deid at the age of 55 years in 1959 and that same year his ministry clock 30 years.

*Babalola’s evangelistic success in Efon-Alaaye was a remarkable one. Archdeacon H. Dallimore from Ado-Ekiti and some white pastors from Ogbomoso Baptist Seminary were believed to have come to see for themselves the “wonder-working prophet” at Efon. The success of the revival was accelerated by the conversion of both the Oba of Efon and the Oba of Aramoko. They were both baptized with the names, Solomon Aladejare Agunsoye and Hezekiah Adeoye respectively. After this event, news of the revival at Efon spread to other parts of Ekitiland .

*The missionaries also visited other towns in the present Ondo State. Among them were Owo, Ikare and Oka. Babalola retreated to his home town in Odo-Owa for a personal prayer retreat. While he was at Odo-Owa, a warrant for his arrest was issued from Ilorin. He was arrested for preaching against witches, a practice which had caused some trouble in Otuo in present Edo State. He was sentenced to jail for six months in Benin City in March 1932. He was the first prophet of God that was send to prison as at then,

* In 1935 he married Dorcas. The following year Babalola, accompanied by Evangelist Timothy Baba Busuyi, went to the Gold Coast. On arrival at Accra, he was recognized by some people who had seen him at the Great Revival in Ilesa. After a successful campaign in the Gold Coast he returned to Nigeria. Babalola was genuinely dissatisfied with the increasing materialistic and sinful existence of his time because of the western civilization influence on society grew.Joseph Ayo Babalola slept in the Lord in 1959. Glory be to God almighty in the highest for the life of his servant, his works speaks on till today and as given birth to so many revivalists in our days now.

*He was the first General Evangelist of the Christ Apostolic Church, a church that metamorphosed from a prayer group popularly called Egbe Aladura in Nigeria.

*In a vision he had, Jesus appeared to him in a white robe along with a very tall man who revealed that it was this Jesus who asked me to speak with you. The man in a dazzling robe spoke at length about the mission he was to embark upon. The man also told him of the persecutions he would face and at the same time assured him of God’s protection and victory. A hand prayer bell was given to Babalola as a symbol. He was told that the sound of the bell would always drive away evil spirits. He was also given a bottle of “life- giving water” to heal all manners of sickness. Consequently, wherever and whenever he prayed into water for therapeutic purposes, effective healing was procured for those who drank the water. Thus, Babalola became a prophet and a man with extraordinary powers.

*After the great revival of Oke-Oye, the prophet was directed by the Holy Spirit to go out on further missionary journeys, but even before this, people from other parts of the country had been spreading the glad tidings of Oke-Oye, Ilesa’s great revival, to other parts of the country. Accompanied by some followers, Joseph Babalola went to Offa, in present Kwara State. Characteristically, people turned out to hear his preaching and see miracles. The Muslims in Offa became jealous and for that reason incited the members of the community against him.

*To avoid bloodshed he was compelled to leave. He next stopped was in Usi in present Ekiti State for his evangelical mission and he performed many works of healing. From Usi he and his men moved to Efon-Alaaye, also in Ekiti, where they received a warm reception from the Oba Alaaye of Efon. An entire building was provided for their comfort. Babalola requested an open space for prayer from the Oba who willingly and cheerfully gave him the privilege to choose a site. Consequently, the prophet and his men chose a large area at the outskirts of town. Traditionally the place was a forbidden forest because of the evil spirits that were believed to inhabit it. The Oba tried to dissuade Babalola and his men from entering the forbidden forest, but Babalola insisted on establishing his prayer ground there. The missionaries entered the bush, cleared it and consecrated it as a prayer ground. When no harm came upon them, the inhabitants of Efon were inspired to accept the new faith in large numbers.

*During one of his prayer sessions an angel appeared to him and gave him a big yam which he ordered him to eat. The angel told him that the yam was the tuber with which God fed the whole world. He further revealed that God had granted unto him the power to deliver those who were possessed of evil spirits in the world. He was directed to go first to Odo-Owa and start preaching. He was to arrive in the town on a market day, cover his body with palm fronds and disfigure himself with charcoal paints.

*The parable of the 3 Palm tree leaves that God gave to Apostle Babalola on the believers and the church of God. One of the palm tree was dry (Ogbe), the other palm tree was rusted ( Oro) while the last one was fresh (O tutu), the dry palm tree are for those who refuse to accepted him as there God will dry of fat the end. While those who deceitful accept him as there savior with rust away. Why those who accepted him God as there personal savior shall be fresh forever and ever. It was said that the palm tree leafs which God use as a parable for him, was the leafs he use to protect his steamroller when it breakdown. After some weeks that apostle went back to the truck, of the three leafs was Dry, the second was rust while the third one was very fresh.

*Babalola during his life time, was the one that prophecy and save the life of Lady/ Evang. (Dr.) Bola Are, who is today known all over the world. The water Babalola use to bath Mama Bola Are then was taking from Ile-Oluji, the present place where they cited Christ Apostolic Church, Oke Isegun, DCC headquarters.
*Another fact is the power in the Ikeji Arakeji water in Osun state, the water over the years have heal many people. Finders reveal that the water has no end or begin and it has never gone since 1928.
He is one prophet that believes in power of prayer, it was said that, he made African to believe that they can pray directly to God and get answers without any sacrifice or worshipping idols. Prayer is one of his hobbies and in any town he found himself, he look for a wildness or mountain to prayer. This was how he moved to the mountain which he named Ori Oke Anu (Mountain of Mercy), after a while, he established a CAC church on it and his building is still their till date.

Mystery Of His Ministry
*The Mysterious Tree of Usi Ekiti: This was a tree in a Forest believed to be inhabited by evil spirits and it was in this forest a land was given to him for his revival campaign. This tree had been cut many times but it stood again as if nothing had been done to it, however the Apostle went to the tree rang his bell and prayed on the tree and it was cut down forever.

*Another mysteries encounter of late Apostle Babalola was the one he had with gods of Ifira, this god called “egule” worshipped in the Isowo Quarters of the town. This god was so ruthless that no man dares point a finger at it to call attention to it as such acts led to forfeiture offenders or death. It is said that a big python coiled around the pot on which the god was placed. This god was situated on a bushy hill and no one dares goes there for fear of being harmed by the god or the python guarding it. When the Apostle got to this town he requested to visit the hill of this god. People were concerned for his safety but he insisted, then people from neighboring towns and villages came to see what was going to happen. All he took was his bell and his staff and he went to the hill with people watching him. Immediately he cited this god and its python he started ringing his bell as he moved towards it. And immediately the pot on which the god stood broke into pieces and the god hen the snake fled, when people saw this they started singing and rejoicing and the people beheld the Python and trampled it till it died and the people abandoned the Idols for God.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Enoch Adejare Adeboye obtained PhD. in Applied Mathematics from UNILAG in 1975|

General Overseer, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)

In the forefront of missionary activity out of Africa, Enoch Adeboye has achieved, through various global Christian ministries and social organs, a great following for Christ Jesus. He sees the local church as one of the focal points of Christian discipleship, and thus plans to have an RCCG branch 5 minutes from every home in the world.

In furtherance of this goal, he oversees a network of over 40,000 parish-churches in 186 nations of the world. In the United States, there are over 600 several RCCG branches, the largest concentrations being in the states of Maryland, Texas, Illinois, California, and Washington D.C.

Formerly a mathematics professor at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, he started working with the founder of RCCG by translating his sermons from Yoruba to the English language. The leadership mantle fell on Pastor Enoch Adeboye in 1981, and since then, RCCG has experienced phenomenal growth and success, converting multitudes to Christ.

In recognition of his contribution as a global icon and preacher of God’s Word, he was selected in 2008 as one of the world’s 50 most influential people by Newsweek magazine, USA.
Born on March 2, 1942 into a humble family in the village of Ifewara, Osun State, located in the South-Western part of Nigeria. His poor family background seemed at first glance capable of confining him to a life of lack.

Brilliant, calm and reticent, his early teachers had little doubt that the lad had a scholarly aura and was cut for academia. The bruising truth was that Enoch’s tall ambition to pursue a career in academia was irreconcilable with the abject poverty of his family. Not to be deterred, his parents sold a few cherished possessions and borrowed from kind neighbors just to ensure that their son’s dream was not held back.

In 1956, he was admitted into one of Nigeria’s foremost Secondary Schools, Ilesha Grammar School, Osun State. As a youth he discovered a passion for books, and an aptitude for science, and in particular, mathematics. This led him to pursue higher education in the same field.

He obtained a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from the University of Ife, Nigeria in 1967, a Masters degree in Hydrodynamics from the University of Lagos, Nigeria in 1969, and a Doctorate Degree in Applied Mathematics from the same university in 1975. He had planned to become the youngest University President in Africa.

It did seem that this ambition would be realized as his academic career flourished. However, little did he know that a greater career awaited him in the service of the LORD. In 1967, he got married to his beloved wife, Foluke Adenike Adeboye (nee Adeyokunnu).

In an experience that could be described as his wake up call, his daughter became ill in 1973, and proved unresponsive to several bouts of orthodox medicine. A cousin had invited him and his wife to a parish of RCCG to seek divine healing for their daughter. What the mathematics professor and his adorable wife could not have imagined, as they stepped out of their house that day was that they had begun to walk into God’s ultimate plan for their lives.

On July 29, 1973, Enoch Adeboye made a personal commitment to Christ through the ministry of Reverend Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi, the founder and first general overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. Reverend Akindayomi was uneducated but was supernaturally endowed with the ability to read the Holy Bible in his native language.

Ordained a Pastor in RCCG in 1977, Pastor Adeboye received a solid foundation in the scriptures, and unbeknownst to him, being groomed for the future assignment under the tutelage of Reverend Akindayomi. He manifested an incredible passion for the work of the Lord by pioneering Bible study meetings, crusades, revivals, outreaches and the evangelistic programs known as the Congress. These were very successfully conducted in various cities all over South-West Nigeria.

In 1981, when the founder passed to glory, the baton of leadership was handed over to him by divine orchestration. His appointment as General Overseer immediately terminated his academic career, and as a result, he set his heart on taking RCCG to the next level of ministry, where all strata of society could be involved in the ministry without compromising the true worship of God.

This led to the establishment of the “Model Parishes” through which countless millions in the upper echelons of the society have come to know the Lord. The poor, needy and downtrodden have not been ignored, as Enoch Adeboye has a deep compassion for souls.

Soon after this came the Holy Ghost Services (HGS) in the mid-1980s. The HGS featured a night of praise, worship, prayer, soul-winning, deliverance, testimonies and the preaching of God’s Word once a month. Initially held on the premises of the ministry’s headquarters in Lagos, space constraints required a change in location. This led to the purchase of a massive piece of uninhabited forest land located in the suburbs of Ogun State, South West Nigeria. This piece of land is now known as The Redemption Camp. The HGS has been consistently held for over twenty years now and today, the crowd in attendance run in the millions every month.

Enoch Adeboye was launched into international prominence on December 18, 1998, when he hosted the very first Holy Ghost Congress (open air meeting) in Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria with an attendance of over 7 million people as reported by CNN and the BBC. It constitutes the largest mobilization of people in one spot on the surface of the earth, a feat never before recorded.

The following year, attendance at the Holy Ghost Congress (HGC) grew to 12 million worshippers. This program has since been replaced with the annual 3-Day HGC held every December at the Redemption Camp. Much like other programs in RCCG, the HGC has witnessed its transformations also. From a one night event in 1998 to a weeklong program today. At each and every one of these events, many souls are won for Christ, and the power of God moves freely to heal, anoint, and empower.

His trademark of humility is disarming and endearing, enabling him to easily share his testimony of the Gospel. His passion for soul-winning feeds his passion for church-planting, and through this, countless people have been inspired to follow him and serve the Lord in the ministry.

His appearance is straitlaced: he always wears a pinstriped suit, a gleaming white shirt and a bow tie. Enoch Adeboye and his ministry are known around the globe. He has preached in remote African villages and in the heart of major cities in United States and Europe. Since 1981, when he became the General Overseer of RCCG, he has been accorded the opportunity to conduct preaching missions in virtually every continents of the world.

He conducts his ministry through the RCCG, including:
  • The monthly Holy Ghost Service (HGS) [open air meeting] in Nigeria with an average attendance of over 1 million people.
  • The annual March 3-Day Special Holy Ghost Service (SHGS) [open air meeting] in Nigeria with an average attendance of over 6 million people.
  • The annual December weeklong Holy Ghost Congress (HGC) [open air meeting] in Nigeria with an average attendance of over 12 million people.
  • The quarterly Festival of Life [indoor revival meeting] in London, UK and various cities in the US with an average attendance of over 50,000 people in the (UK) and 10,000 in the (US) respectively.
  • The annual RCCG Conventions in Nigeria, UK, Asia and the US with an average attendance of over 7 million (Nigeria), 50,000 (UK) and 10,000 (US)
  • The annual RCCG Leadership and Discipleship Conferences and Retreats all over the world.
  • Television programs are broadcast on a digital-cable channel called Open Heavens TV, Liveway TV and Satellite radio.
Enoch Adeboye has written over 60 books. His daily devotional manual (Open Heavens), with over 1 million published annually, available in English, French and other major languages of the world is globally-distributed and widely-read.

His life substantiates the scriptures in Zechariah 4: 10 (NLT) which states: Do not despise these small beginnings… His life and over 30 years of full-time ministry around the world is remarkable in every sense. From humble beginnings as the son of a peasant farmer in Nigeria to one of the most influential people in the world.

Enoch Adeboye’s counsel has been sought by presidents, and his appeal in both the secular and religious arenas is evidenced by the wide range of groups that have honored him, including numerous honorary doctorates from many institutions in the Nigeria and abroad in appreciation of his contributions to humanity.
Recognitions include the following:
  • 1999 – Received honorary citizenship and key of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  • 2000 – Dedicated the first chapel in the Nigerian Presidential Villa, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • 2002 – Received the key to the city of Detroit, Michigan.
  • 2005 – Received honorary citizenship and key of Dallas, Texas, USA.
  • 2005 – Received honorary citizenship and key of Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
  • 2008 – Awarded a National Honor (Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria) by the Nigerian President.
  • 2009 – Led the Pre-Summit Prayers at the 64th General Assembly of the United Nations Headquarters, New York.
  • 2009 – Named one of The World’s Fifty Most Powerful People by Newsweek Magazine (USA).
  • 2009 – Awarded honorary doctorate degree – University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.
  • 2009 – Awarded honorary doctorate degree – University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
  • 2009 – Awarded honorary doctorate degree in Theology – Canada Christian College, Canada.
  • 2010 – Awarded a National Sports Honor (Spiritual Pillar of Nigerian Sports).
  • 2011 – Chaired United Nations Global Summit on the Road Map to a Culture of Peace in the Middle East.
  • 2011 – Awarded honorary doctorate degree – University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • 2011 – Received award as the Best/Most Profitable Icon/Personality in Nigeria
  • 2014 – Awarded National Honour – (CON) Commander of the Order of the Niger
  • 2015 – Awarded Honorary Doctor of Science – University of Lagos
  • 2015 – Certificate of Recognition – The Congress of The United States of America
  • 2015 – Presidential Merit Award – The Nigerian Society of Engineers
Though the above achievements are phenomenal, Enoch Adeboye never fails to give glory to God, claiming that there are greater things ahead that the Lord will yet do.

Enoch Adeboye has been married to Foluke Adenike Adeboye for over 45 years. Together they have three sons and one daughter, and many grand and great grandchildren children. They reside at the Redemption Camp in the suburbs of Lagos, Nigeria.





Monday, November 21, 2016

Brace yourself for this new song from @Decovenant


Chineke oyewem
You're king and the lord of all
We stand in awe,of you oh God
Might one, ibuchineke
Oyenemema eh
Nareke gimbia
Oyenemema ehh....ibuchineke
Chineke oyewem


Acting on the Truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

My dear brothers and sisters, thank you for being with us today. President Monson has asked that I speak to you. He sends his love and blessings to all of you.

We know you have set aside other things to attend this worldwide training session, and we commend you for your faithfulness. We love you for your willingness to consecrate your time, talents, and resources to building the kingdom of God.

We have received wise counsel today from those who have devoted their lives to hearing and heeding the voice of the Holy Spirit. We urge you to carefully consider their counsel.

Of course, we know that hearing words of counsel and acting upon them are two very different things. The Savior spoke of the difference when He said that those who hear and obey are like those who build their houses upon a rock. And those who hear but don’t follow—well, they could just end up being ex-home owners.

Church members are wonderful in their desire to be obedient and follow the Lord. But sometimes, in spite of our good intentions, we delay doing what we should do or we misunderstand what we were taught. As a result, inspired words of counsel might not have the promised effect.

I am reminded of a story about a woman who had a dream in which her husband gave her a beautiful necklace she had always wanted. When she asked her husband what he thought the dream meant, he smiled as only a loving husband can and said, “You’ll find out tonight!”

That evening the husband came home and handed his wife a beautifully wrapped present. She opened it with deep appreciation for her sensitive husband, only to find a book entitled A Guide to Understanding Dreams.

President Harold B. Lee has said to the teachers of the Church that it is not only important to be understood but also not to be misunderstood. So the first thing we must do is understand. The second is to put our understanding into action. This is the “Put Your Shoulders to the Wheel” part.

In that spirit, and building on what Elder Ballard’s group discussed, I would like to offer some additional counsel and then a few suggestions as to how you might implement what you have heard today.
We human beings have a strange tendency to complicate simple things. We set up rules, laws, bylaws, processes, and subprocesses. Eventually, we pile up load after load until we end up under a huge weight of expectations that are so complicated it is difficult to keep track of them, let alone meet them.
This is one of the reasons Paul said, “The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” (2 Corinthians 3:6).
Too often, we complicate the beauty and simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ with endless lists of meticulous expectations. However, when we focus on the “why” of the gospel, much of the confusion fades away. Why are we here? Why are we asked to obey the commandments? Why is the Atonement of Jesus Christ of such value to us?

The proper “why” questions will lead us to the proper “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “how” decisions.
Elder Ballard and his group gave us a great example by asking, “Why do we meet in councils? Is it to arrange and rearrange the ward calendar? to discuss staffing problems? to schedule cleaning the building?”
Such issues may be urgent and necessary, but are they the most important? There are many ways to enhance our precious council time, like always coming well prepared. We could handle scheduling or other organizational matters by memo, phone, e-mail, or text. When we allow organizational matters to dominate our efforts and time in our councils, we run the risk of missing the mark of why the Lord has called us to minister in His Church.

We meet in councils to seek the inspiration of the Spirit in building the kingdom of God. We meet to seek the answers to two basic questions:
  1. 1.How can we help our members better love the Lord our God with all their heart, soul, and mind?
  1. 2.How can we help our members better love their neighbors as themselves?
Every other thing we discuss in our councils within our Church organizations should derive from these great commandments, for everything else hangs upon them.

Once we understand the “why” behind our council meetings, it is easier for us to focus appropriately on how to accomplish it. For example, as we consider ways to increase love for neighbor among our members, we might decide to plan a service activity in which we include our less-active members and our friends of other faiths.

All of our discussions concerning young and old, from welfare needs to missionary work, from gospel teaching to strengthening families, should be framed in this context.

By simplifying and strengthening the council process and by inviting the Spirit, we will find the life and fire of the Holy Spirit, who provides guidance and heavenly support for our efforts.

Some may be tempted to say, “Just tell us what to do, and we’ll do it.” While we commend a righteous desire to be obedient, there is more to leadership in the Church (and more to life) than simply checking items off an assigned to-do list.

As you have noticed, the new handbooks do not specify in great detail every action you are to take in your calling. These handbooks were provided for the right amount of structure without regimenting every detail. It might be wise to look at the handbooks and even the scriptures not as checklists or detailed scripts but rather as opportunities to prepare our minds and hearts to receive divine inspiration for our responsibilities.
Unfortunately, we sometimes don’t seek revelation or answers from the scriptures or the handbooks because we think we know the answers already.

Brothers and sisters, as good as our previous experience may be, if we stop asking questions, stop thinking, stop pondering, we can thwart the revelations of the Spirit. Remember, it was the questions young Joseph asked that opened the door for the restoration of all things. We can block the growth and knowledge our Heavenly Father intends for us. How often has the Holy Spirit tried to tell us something we needed to know but couldn’t get past the massive iron gate of what we thought we already knew?

Another topic I would like to discuss is the difference between growth and real growth. We have heard some about this today. In Church terms, growth could be defined as new members. New members come through children baptized at age eight as well as convert baptisms. Real growth, however, is defined as growth in the number of active members.

In some areas of the Church we have dramatic growth in new members, yet active membership remains stagnant or grows only a little. We have some measurable ways to indicate activity in the Church, such as sacrament meeting attendance, ordination to the priesthood at the right age, missionary service, and possession of a current temple recommend. Perhaps the more accurate indicators of real growth in the gospel of Jesus Christ are those that we can’t measure as easily, such as daily prayer, scripture study, family home evening, love at home and for our neighbor, and personal experiences with Christ’s Atonement. These are recorded not by a clerk in Church records but in our hearts and in heaven.

Our missionary efforts are compromised if we baptize God’s children but do not maintain love and friendship with these precious new members who are excited to find fellowship with the Saints and a place of belonging in the household of God.

Here again, our councils can deliberate on the spiritual and temporal welfare of every member—taking special care to consider each new convert. Our work as a council is to help our members grow in their love for Heavenly Father and their fellowman. If we focus our efforts here, one-on-one, many more members will feel that they have found a home in the Church—that they have found the “why” of the gospel.

Brothers and sisters, let us remember that you and I are not perfect. Consequently, our councils will not be perfect either. At times they will be understaffed. At times they may include one or perhaps several people who are not fully engaged in the work or who are distracted by the complications and stresses of everyday life.

Please do not give up. Be careful not to over-idealize your expectations of how your councils should operate. Once again, if you are focused on the “why” of the gospel, the Spirit will direct your humble efforts.
President Hinckley once said, “We are here to assist our [Heavenly] Father in His work and His glory, ‘to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man’ (Moses 1:39). Your obligation is as serious in your sphere of responsibility as is my obligation in my sphere.”2 What a humbling statement by a prophet of God.
If your circumstances are less than ideal, please take comfort in knowing that the Lord will support and enhance your efforts, sanctify your decisions and actions, perfect them through the tender mercies of Christ, and “consecrate [your] performance … , that [it] may be for the welfare of [your] soul” (2 Nephi 32:9) and the souls of those you serve.

As I mentioned earlier, there is little good in hearing the word of God if we do not translate what we hear into our lives. Consequently, we ask that you take the following steps without hesitation and continue to do so throughout your service in your callings.

First, individually and as councils, prayerfully consider the instruction you have received. Think of priesthood power in the home, honoring divine covenants, rescuing others, focusing on the one, strengthening our youth, and building eternal marriages and families by applying gospel principles in our daily lives.

As you consider these topics, ask yourself about the “why” of your service and ministry and the resulting “therefore what” in your responsibilities as individuals and as councils. In this process, please open your hearts and minds to the will of heaven, and I promise that the Spirit will reveal the things that matter most—for you, your family, and your responsibilities in the Church.

Second, as a result of pondering and discussion, determine a few specific actions you will commit to implement. Please keep in mind that the actions of each organization, ward, stake, family, and individual may be different. They should fit your circumstances and needs. The unity we seek is not necessarily that we all do exactly the same things at the same time but that we each listen to and always follow the direction of the same Holy Spirit.

Third, once you have made these commitments, follow up on them within the scope of your responsibilities and callings at each of your council meetings. Please do this. We ask you also to bring your decisions and efforts before the Lord in your daily prayers and ask for further light and direction. Trust Him. He knows you, and He loves you.

My dear brothers and sisters, we love and admire you; we pray for you. We know that you desire to heed the whisperings of the Spirit, to follow the Savior, and to be His hands in this great work. I bear witness that this work is true, that you are called of God. The Savior is at the head of this Church with President Monson as His prophet.

Dear friends, may you always find joy in your righteous service is my blessing and my prayer, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

By: Dieter F. Uchtdorf

