Thursday, May 5, 2016

GOD’S AMBASSADOR -Dr Mike Okonkwo The Presiding Bishop (TREM)

Dearly beloved, I bring you greetings in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. Welcome to the month of May, in this year of All Sufficiency. Today, all over the world is known as International Workers’ Day, and I wish to seize this opportunity to celebrate every worker in the house. It is my prayer and expectation that every member of this church will be gainfully employed, in Jesus’ name.

This morning, I will be sharing with us from this passage of scripture;
1 Peter 2:9 (KJV)
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

 Beloved, today we have a clientele of believers who do not understand the purpose of salvation. Yes salvation is free, it is God’s gift to mankind, but it came at a cost – Christ’s death, and His death was not in vain. I’ve said this repeatedly, and it bears repetition, if God’s singular intention for you was to only get you saved, then He would have called you to heaven immediately after you got born again. You then would have no business being here on earth. But he has not done that, and there’s a reason why.

From our scripture this morning, Peter writes that as believers, we are a chosen, royal, holy, and peculiar people, but the important question is, “for what”? What have I been chosen for? Why has God, in His wisdom, separated me from the pack? Child of God, there’s a reason! God is a God of plan, purpose and objectivity, and so there’s a purpose for everything He does! The continuing part of that verse spells out this plan clearly, and it is “that ye should SHEW FORTH the praises of Him…” Did you see that? You are called out to be God’s Ambassador on earth!

Child of God, as God’s ambassador here on earth, there’s a standard that He expects of you. Your lifestyle, conduct, language, actions must conform to His identity. Just like in the natural, an ambassador of a country is an official envoy and highest ranking diplomat, who represents his country in a foreign land. By reason of his appointment, he is duty-bound to protect the interest of his country, and should at every point, portray his country of origin in good light, through his lifestyle, words, actions and general conduct. That’s the same way you as a believer, is duty-bound, irrespective of where you find yourself, to be a good representative of God’s kingdom.

Beloved, how well do you represent God in your office? Do you portray yourself as God’s ambassador at the marketplace? The fact that your colleagues act in a certain way at the parastatal where you work, is not excuse enough for you to follow suit. As an employee, are you part of those who connive to defraud the company? Well, you might say that you’re not defrauding your company, but you’re never early to work; there’s always a reason why you are late to work. As an artisan, the quality of your work is nothing to write home about, but then you complain that you’re not getting clients. How then are you different? As the salt of the earth, if you’ve lost your savour, of what use are you? Beloved, your God is an excellent God, and anything you do must reflect this excellence, if you are His ambassador.

Jesus speaking in Matthew 5:16 (KJV) said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The scripture is very clear, we are world influencers by reason of salvation in Christ Jesus, all for God’s glory. Let the light of God shine through you, because you are the extension of God to your world. However, the problem with believers today is that we’re more concerned about “shining our lights” in church, rather than in the dark world where the lights are needed most. The reason why a lot of believers today find it difficult to witness for Christ in our different worlds, is simply because we are no different in character and attitude from the people we want to witness to, so why should they come to your God?

Child of God, as God’s ambassadors on earth, we have the advantage but unfortunately are not leveraging on it, simply because we have allowed ourselves to conform with the world’s style, so rather than they seek answers from us, it seems as if the reverse is the case. We are different from the world, and should stand out, regardless of where we find ourselves. We make bold confessions every week, but how many of us truly believe and live out these confessions?

Beloved, much more than ever before, necessity is laid on you to be a true example of the believer – in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith and in purity (1 Timothy 4:12). 

Remember that you are God’s masterpiece, and must let the excellency of God be reflected in everything you do (Eph. 2:10, 2 Cor. 4:7). The world is getting darker by the day, and this is the time for the church to shine as the light that we have been made to be. Therefore, I pray for you that as you go into the marketplace, that the light of God would be revealed in you, and His glory will be seen upon you. I bless you in Jesus’ name!

 In His Royal Service,

 Dr Mike Okonkwo
The Presiding Bishop (TREM)
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