Wednesday, May 4, 2016


1 Corinthians 16: 9 For a great door an effectual door is opened unto me and there are many adversaries.

I welcome you into the month  of great doors. This month, you will experience great open doors in all ramifications in Jesus name. Amen

This month, God has set before you GREAT DOORS, that no man can shut; and these great doors are effectual doors which will be opened continually (Revelation 3 v 7-8). No matter how many your adversaries are, they wouldn’t be able to shut your doors in Jesus name.

A door simply put, is a boundary between in and out. When the door is shut, those who are in stay in while those who are out will stay out.

A door symbolizes a new beginning. It may be you have been shut out from your blessings or you are shut in and you are not able to come from whatever challenges of life, God is bringing you out and a new beginning is setting in for you this month in Jesus name.

1.     Door of success: This door goes through Jesus Christ, Philippians 4 v 13.I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. If Jesus is the door; your success cannot be hindered.

2.     Door of promotion: 1 Samuel 16 v 11 -13,  David never had it in his wildest dream that he could ever become a king. There had never been a king in his family before but God opened a door of promotion to him and suddenly a shepherd boy became a king. I am prophesying into someone’s life this month, you might not even have the slightest idea that you will ever become someone but in the name of the Lord of hosts, you will be great.

3.     Door of healings: The Almighty God said I am the Lord that health thee. Exodus 15 v 26,if somebody needs healing, he can pass through the door of the Lord Jesus Christ and obtain healing.

4.     Door of progress: In Exodus 14 v 15-28, God told the children of Israel, move forward but then he opened a door for them in the red sea. In Acts 3 v 1 – 8, a man who was born lame, who was marooned on one spot, suddenly began to make tremendous progress, walking leaping, praising God. Also in Acts 4 v 9 -10, we were told that it is through the name of Jesus that his progress came.

5.     Door of breakthrough: This comes through Jesus Christ, John5 v 2 -9 the man had been sick for thirty eight years, he had tried and tried for thirty eight years and he kept on failing. The door came, the door visited him, and suddenly his breakthrough came; before the end of this month, you will sing victory at last.

6.     Door of fruitfulness: In Genesis 29 v 31,the Bible tells us that because Leah was hated, God opened her womb and Rachel who was beloved was barren but then the Bible went on to say in Genesis 30 v 22 that after sometime, God remembered Rachael and opened her womb and children began to come. To all who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, this month is going to mark the turning point in your life in Jesus name.

There is a God who can open doors without using keys, he can just tell the door to open and the doors must obey him because he is the original door, even as the word of God is coming to you this month, your doors are already been opened.

You can as well open the door, when somebody gives you the key. In Matthew 16 v 19, Jesus said to Peter, I give you the keys of the Kingdom,  whatever you bound in earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven. That could also be read as I have given you the key now, whatever you close will be closed and whatever you open will be opened. I am believing God for someone this month; that from this moment onward, every door you knock at will be opened unto you.

1.      Faith: Mark 9 v 23 says if you believe, all things are possible to him that believes. If all things are possible, that means all doors can be opened if you have faith. 

2.      Concentration: James 4 v 8 the Bible says, if you draw near to God he will draw near to you. Paul said in Philippians 3 v 7 -11 he said all things that were gained to me; I sacrificed them all that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection. He said I wanted His power so I concentrated on getting everything that I could from him. The result in Acts 19 v 11- 12,the Bible says God performed special miracles by the hand of Paul even his handkerchief began to cast out demons. 

3.      ObedienceIsaiah 1 v 19says, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. If you are willing and obedient, the door to the treasure house will be opened unto you.

4.      Prayer:In John 14 v 14, the Lord said if you ask anything in my name, I shall do it.

5.      Praise: Psalm 67 v 6 says When you praise Him, then the earth shall yield her increase.

6.       Holiness: In Hebrew 12:14, Bible says “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

Pastor Blessing Olamijulo
Lead Pastor
Dayspring Ministries International 

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