Wednesday, May 4, 2016



“The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Deut. 28:8

“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” Prov 10:22.

It is the plan of God to bless His people! And it is His blessing that makes rich according to proverbs 10:22.

The blessing is different from the blessings; it is the blessing that gave birth to the blessings.

The difference between the blessing and the blessing is; blessings are physical things that we love and we testify about like buying cars, travelling abroad, building houses etc.,but the blessing is the seed that grows into blessings. It goes beyond the physical things.

What is the blessing?
It is the supernatural empowerment that prospers a man.
It doesn’t matter the job the man does or how much he earns as salary, once the blessing of God comes  on him, his life will change for good” the blessing of God maketh rich and added no sorrow to it".

This month, God wants to impart and empower us with the blessing that makes life easy and beautiful to live in.

The blessing is more than buying a car or building a house. It is you owning car manufacturing companies or owning estates.

There is a difference between a man that owns a car and he that carries the blessing. When you have a car or a building and you lack the blessing, its a matter of time such would lose what he had; but when you carry the blessing and you don’t have anything, it is a matter of time you will soon possess it all. The blessing has nothing to do with the physical things around you.

The blessing is a spiritual aroma for favor
The blessed man has an aroma of favor around him. You can’t see it; but you can’t deny it. Anyone that carries the blessing looks mysterious, because it cannot be explained. He can be earning thirty thousand naira yet driving a car, building a house and his children are going to a good school.

The blessing is a mystery even the person that carries it cannot explain it. The blessing is a spiritual energy that makes men gives to you without knowing why.


The almighty God is the first factor that brings man into the blessing. He does not need any man’s permission to bless you. Man can say you are not qualified but when God qualifies you, no one can disqualify you. You can access the blessing of God through your obedience (Deut. 11:26-27).  God pronounced the blessing upon Jacob and Noah (Gen. 49:28, 9:1)

Earthly father:
You father is the second factor of the blessing. He carries the blessing  that will prosper your life and these blessings can only come to you when you take good care of him. Jacob was blessed by his father when he fed him (Gen. 27:24-30). Joseph took his two sons (Ephraim and Manasseh) to his father to be blessed (Gen. 48:13-20).

Spiritual father:
The third factor is your spiritual father. Every spiritual father carries the spiritual blessing for his people. When you honour him and take care of him, he releases the blessing upon you. Moses was a spiritual father over the Israelites, so he releases the blessing upon them (Deut. 33:1).

The spiritual gene in Dayspring is raising holy, healthy and wealthy people; so as a member you belong to the blessed family.

23Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,24The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:25The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:26The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.27And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.Number 6:23-27.

It is  my  prayer  for  you  that  the blessing  that will move you from this level  of  glory  to  a greater  one be yours  this  month  in Jesus  name.Amen

Pastor Blessing Olamijulo
Lead Pastor

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